Webinar Live Cell Imaging: Novel Probes and Imaging Reagents

Event date: 09.12.2020

Date: 9th December 2020
Time: 16.00 CET
Duration: 1 hour

What Does it Cover?

Imaging of live cells and tissues is a rapidly growing field and has revolutionized how biologists study cells, proteins and a multitude of processes and molecular interactions. Live cell imaging techniques allow scientists to observe cell structures, study dynamic processes and the localisation of molecules in real time, and over time. The observation of dynamic changes provides more insight into the operations of a cell than a snapshot provided by imaging fixed cells. Moreover, the spatial resolution of light microscopy allows observing subcellular structures and cellular processes, by using a range of fluorescent probes. Hence, live cell probes are being used instead of antibodies more frequently. In addition, since live cell imaging is less prone to experimental artifacts, it usually provides more reliable and relevant information than fixed cell microscopy.

What Will You Learn About?

  • The new live cell probes for cell structures, reactive ions, endocytosis, exocytosis, hypoxia, nucleotide transporters, and more.
  • Probes for cellular stress by tracking reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in real-time.
  • The benefits of imaging live cells as compared to fixed cells.
  • Development of new molecular transporter that is capable of delivering NTPs across cell membranes.

Registration: https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/1238/445155
